1-1 Coaching

$1,550.00 USD

  • Look, when people first start out in whatever endeavor it is - THEY NEED A MENTOR! THEY NEED A COACH!

    Michael had Phil. Kobe had Phil. Tom Brady has Belichick. Zuckerberg Had Jobs. Jobs Had Andy Grove...... Do you see how this works? All the greats have mentors. 

    This is why you need a mentor and coach. It is like Rocket-Fuel for your Group Home Business!

    Our One on One Coaching program is designed to get you to the finish line! You will receive 4, 45 minute to 1 Hour Recorded Video Calls. On the calls we will be going over your questions and showing you the material you can use in the Gold Course to help you accomplish each milestone. Once you accomplish your goals we will move onto the next call/milestone and you will get online support along the way if you have any questions on the material or need advice as things come up. You will need to accomplish each goal before moving on to the next call. 

    You must complete these steps before moving on to each coaching session. You will not have access to the next call until a goal is reached!! :

    • On your first call we will go over the overall business model, go over the simple systems you can implement to make your life as a Group Home owner much easier than your typical landlord, answer all of your questions, and ensure you have the confidence to move forward. We'll focus on the first steps which are home acquisition and understanding how to get tenants in your home. If you do not have the capital to get started on your own...NO WORRIES...we will go over how to find a partner!  So you will need to acquire a home and you will need to get at least 25 marketing contacts in your database before moving on to the next call. If you're on a tight budget, we recommend the contacts/marketing FIRST. (If you have a home already, then this will be easy! You just need to get the contacts)
      Milestones #1: Home Acquisition/25 Marketing Contacts


    • As soon as you get a purchase agreement, lease agreement, or partnership agreement with someone that will let you use their home and 25 contacts to market to we will do a deep dive on marketing and start implementing your campaign! You should have a date of taking over the new property by now so we will work on getting your home filled now! Once you get your first tenant agreement we will move on to the 3rd call. We will also review overall management techniques on this call to prepare for next call.
      Milestone #2: First License Agreement SIgned


    • This 3rd call will be the last with our operational manager. We will deep dive on the management techniques and marketing. Review all of your material and marketing implementation and your next goal before moving on to the call/podcast with Andy is to get your home filled!
      Milestone #3: First Home at Full Occupancy


    • Congratulations! You have your first home filled! On this call you'll be talking with our founder Andy. He grew his Group Home business to the point where he replaced himself with a full time manager and nets over 6 figures a year in passive income from helping out his community! You'll be discussing whatever you want on this call...scaling, management techniques, real estate investment...whatever you want! If you agree, the call will be featured on the Group Home Riches Podcast so we can help more people, HELP MORE PEOPLE! 

      All Sales Are Final and There Will Be No Refunds on This Product. If you are unsure about your ability to implement what is taught, continue reviewing the Gold Course and email us any questions you have that are holding you back. This product is designed for people who want to have their first Group Home opened in the next 30 - 60 days and are willing to put in the work for it. We'll show you what you need to do, it's up to you to carry it out! 
      After purchase you will taken to a page with instructions on how to book your calls. The calls are to be done via Zoom. You must download this application before the call. If you are a No-Show for any scheduled appointments, this will result in a forfeited call. 


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    All Sales Are Final and There Will Be No Refunds on This Product. If you are unsure about your ability to implement what is taught, continue reviewing the Gold Course and email us any questions you have that are holding you back. This product is designed for people who want to have their first Group Home opened in the next 30 - 60 days and are willing to put in the work for it. We'll show you what you need to do, it's up to you to carry it out! 
    After purchase you will taken to a page with instructions on how to book your calls. The calls are to be done via Zoom. You must download this application before the call. If you are a No-Show for any scheduled appointments, this will result in a forfeited call.