One On One ALF Coaching

Look, when people first start out in whatever endeavor it is - THEY NEED A MENTOR! THEY NEED A COACH!

Michael had Phil. KOBE had Phil. Tom Brady has Belichick. Zuckerberg Had Jobs. Jobs Had Andy Grove...... Do you see how this works? All the greats have mentors. 

This is why you need a mentor and coach. It is like Rocket-Fuel for your ALF  Business!

This is where Yazz comes in :)


What's the difference between "Cooperative Living" & an "Assisted Licensed Facility?"

If you've been following us for a while or are a Gold Course member, than you should know the basics of our simple business model. 

In short, we are simply landlords on paper but through our marketing we provide affordable, cooperative housing to a number of different demographics. Veterans, Transitional Housing, Sober Living, Senior Housing, MHMR are just a few of the most common examples. Although many of our tenants do need services that require licensing and/or professional certifications, rather than provide those services ourselves, the tenants simply receive the services they need via outsourced medical professionals. This allows us to provide housing to ANY demographic that is need while avoiding all of the red tape, licensing, paperwork, and staffing required to provide medical services. 
If you've spent any amount of time online researching how to start a Group Home, chances are that the instructions you've found are how to start a LICENSED facility. As you know, this process can seem very confusing. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to each business model. Our founder has chosen the unlicensed route because it was much simpler to start and to scale. He's able to run organizations of 10-20 homes with essentially 1 other employee. 
The biggest advantage to running an ALF (Assisted Licensed Facility) is the sheer amount of dollars that they bring in. Most Real Estate investors would snicker at Andy's profit and loss statements, suspecting them to be scams. If they saw the type of numbers Yazz did they would laugh him out of the room! The ROI is simply unbelievable. 
On the very conservative, lower end, Yazz's properties brought in ~10k/mo. That's the LOW END. And he ran 9 of them for 10 years. Do you see why he is retired now??


Skip The BS

If you've spent any amount of time researching this stuff you know how absolutely CONFUSING it is. Let Yazz cut through the CRAP, and explain in plain English what you need to do in order to get things going. 

Save Thousands (If not MILLIONS) in Mistakes

You have access to TWO generations of medical industry knowledge at your fingertips. Learn tricks and tips about management, marketing, real estate, paperwork, navigating bureaucracy and MUCH MORE. Trust us, Yazz has seen it all! One mistake could cost you your entire empire. Why not Walk the Path with a guiding light?

Personalized Calls

We are not running off of a script or a program. There will be absolutely no "fluff" on these calls. Just pinpointed knowledge bombs based on your situation, experience, questions, and goals. You can book as few, or as many as you need.  



This is only for folks who are SERIOUS and do have a decent budget to get this business started. Yazz's time is worth MUCH MORE THAN THIS, but each call is $500. On Call #1 he will answer any general questions you might have, briefly cover what the next steps are going to be, and do his best to find the very first steps to applying for whatever license or certification is needed in your area. 
From there, you would just need to work with your local government contacts on the paperwork and deal with the bureaucracy. Could we do this for you? Probably. But we would need to charge 10's of thousands of dollars for it to be worth our time. This is what other consultants do. So just by reading this we saved you a ton of money :)
You can book as many calls as you want, and Yazz will help you with whatever you need. Each call is limited to an hour so we suggest you put in the recommended work, and book each additional call when you feel you are ready to not only learn about the following, but to take action on:
- Quickest way to get started Generating INCOME!
- Best way to source for properties and, possible zoning issues.
- Best way to find current licensed operators and negotiating a sale or
even lease of ALREADY licensed property.
- How to leverage your business partners for FREE Marketing to find
referral sources
- Best practices in Management techniques
- Tips and tricks to running your facility smoothly
- Staff management
- Avoiding lawsuits
After the initial call, you will get Yazz's email contact and booking instructions for each additional call. 
- you have absolutely no $$ to invest
- you do not have the time to put in work
- you do not have the desire to put in work
- you are looking for "passive income"
- you do not have a passion for helping people. If you are in this strictly for the money, you will be sued, and you will lose much much much more $$$ than the hourly rates that we charge
- if you are on the fence. (see disclaimer)
What you see outlined on this page is exactly what you will get. Do not email us questions. There will be no refunds whatsoever. There are no guarantees. You are strictly paying for an expert's opinion and that expert operated in Miami, Florida. Most of the general concepts should carry over state by state, but it is your responsibility to do your own due diligence on your local rules, regulations and laws. 
If you're looking for a simpler business model, CLICK HERE and purchase the Gold Course. 

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